Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Their hair is repelled by their orange faces

Hair hates orange bronzer apparently and tries to escape from it. Man I have the urge to stick my head underneath the shower right now....rinse all the evil away.


  1. i love this blog so much!

  2. What's up with the guy's forehead in the first pic? It's... bulging. Almost as if his brain were swelling. Or trying to escape his skull.

  3. This site is much like a horrific car crash. I don't want to look, but I can't seem to help myself. Fashion trends come and go, but I really feel like this is something different. Very different, and much, much worse.

  4. Okay, we're torn... is it Goku? Is it an Orange Simpson? Or wiat.... is it Ernie's long lost brother? Madness....

  5. First time I've been exposed to the sophisticated Guido look.
    Perhaps a response to the Jersey Shore portrayal of Guido-types as cognitively challenged dimwits.

  6. Official warning signs of a douche - orange face, huge forehead, spiked hair, with other douches.

  7. What is the fascination with looking like an Oompa Loompa?
